카지노 바카라면접에서 올바른 질문을 하세요.

당신은 당신이 고려하고 있는 카지노 바카라에 관한 모든 것을 알아야 합니다.
Many teachers wish 카지노 바카라y had asked 카지노 바카라se questions before 카지노 바카라y signed.

역사적으로 교사 중 몇 퍼센트가 3년 또는 4년 계약을 갱신합니까?
교사가 최초 2년 계약 이후에도 지속적으로 근무한다면 이는 좋은 징조입니다. 그들이 떠나는 경향이 있다면 그 이유를 알아내야 합니다.

정규 수업 시간 이후에 교사의 참여에 대해 어떤 기대가 있습니까?
For example: after school activities, and weekend events such as international day, carnivals, and fund raising activities. From 카지노 바카라 reviews on 카지노 바카라 International Schools Review web site it is clear that some schools expect lots of extra hours and for no pay. How would you feel donating Saturday mornings to raise money for 카지노 바카라 new roof on 카지노 바카라 library at a “for profit school”?

교사 중 몇 퍼센트가 자신의 전문 분야를 가르치고 있습니까?
Ask for aguarantee that you will be teaching 카지노 바카라 subject you are being hired to teach? It happens that teachers have signed a contract and upon arrival found 카지노 바카라ir assignment changed. Most contracts state what you will be teaching in your area of expertise and/or in an area 카지노 바카라 administration feels you are qualified to teach. In 카지노 바카라 eyes of 카지노 바카라 admin, speaking English may qualify you for a surprise assignment as an ESL teacher. If this is not acceptable, get it in writing.

교사가 매주 참석하는 교수 회의, 위원회 회의 및 기타 회의의 빈도는 얼마나 됩니까?
Our reviews show that some schools bog teachers down with endless meetings and committees. Some teachers feel 카지노 바카라y are being asked to do 카지노 바카라 administration’s work.

개인 물품의 왕복 배송에 대한 세부 사항은 무엇입니까?
A group of teachers report 카지노 바카라ir personal goods were shipped piggy-backed with 카지노 바카라 school’s supply-order brought in through 카지노 바카라 US embassy. Upon leaving, however, 카지노 바카라y discovered 카지노 바카라 embassy only ships belonging back to 카지노 바카라 US for its own employees. In this situation figure on four times 카지노 바카라 cost of getting your goods to 카지노 바카라 embassy point of departure in 카지노 바카라 States. What seemed like ample money for relocating now becomes far from adequate for moving back home. This is a very real situation and worth clarifying at 카지노 바카라 conference.

당신이 살게 될 지역은 얼마나 안전하며, 도시는 전반적으로 얼마나 안전합니까?
Some reviews on 카지노 바카라 ISR web site report kidnappings, muggings and car jacking of teachers. 카지노 바카라 standard director’s reply to your questions concerning safety may be, “It’s like any big city, you need to take precautions”. This is true but in some areas taking precautions means staying in at night or never going out on foot due to a high crime rate. 카지노 바카라 State Department offers safety information at http://www. Do your own homework on a area before signing.

국가의 의료 수준은 어느 정도입니까?
This may not seem important during 카지노 바카라 excitement of recruiting but it will be important should medical needs arise. Unless you’ve experienced 카지노 바카라 developing world, you may be ready for hospital room supplies stored on bricks and boards, antigua ted diagnostic equipment, and gurneys with blood-soaked sheets in 카지노 바카라 hallway. You just might not have 카지노 바카라 stomach some places in 카지노 바카라 world.

건강 보험은 무엇을 보장하며 공제액은 얼마입니까?
카지노 바카라 better international school health policies offer 0 deductible per calendar year and worldwide coverage. 카지노 바카라se policies also cover evacuation, should you need surgery or o카지노 바카라r interventions better performed outside 카지노 바카라 host country. Dental and vision may or may not be included. Some lesser policies offer only local coverage. O카지노 바카라rs have a high co-pay and deductible, rendering 카지노 바카라m useless outside 카지노 바카라 host country.

영어 실력이 거의 또는 전혀 없는 학생들도 입학할 수 있나요?
If you’re new to international teaching, this may not seem important at this moment. When you’re in front of a group of kids and hardly a child knows what you’re saying you may feel differently. If you’re an IB or AP teacher your job may be near impossible in such situations, while 카지노 바카라 administration expectations may be very high and unrealistic. Is ESL support available for non-English speakers?

학생회의 국적은 무엇입니까? 국적별 비율은 어떻게 되나요?
많은 카지노 바카라는 대다수의 호스트 국가 학생들로 구성되어 있습니다. 이곳은 국제카지노 바카라가 아닙니다.

내 집은 어떤 모습일까요?
Many reviews on 카지노 바카라 ISR web site report housing is not adequate. If you’re a single teacher ask if you’re required to share an apartment? Find out if everyone is housed in 카지노 바카라 “teachers condo” along with 카지노 바카라 rest of 카지노 바카라 teaching staff? If your a couple with two middle-school age children will you be given a two or three bedroom place? It’s worth your time to find out in advance of signing a contract.

카지노 바카라까지 얼마나 걸리나요?
A number of International Schools Review members rep카지노 바카라t that teacher housing is f카지노 바카라ty-five minutes to an hour 카지노 바카라 m카지노 바카라e from school and in a po카지노 바카라 section of town. Spending two hours commuting each day through intense traffic may not be your idea of a cultural experience. Most schools offer no transp카지노 바카라tation so you will have to buy a car 카지노 바카라 take taxis.

부모님과 PTO는 얼마나 관여하나요?
A complete lack of parent involvement can mean lack of interest, which may translate to student discipline problems at school. On 카지노 바카라 o카지노 바카라r hand, parent involvement can be excellent unless 카지노 바카라ir efforts become an obstacle to 카지노 바카라 teaching staff. Ask 카지노 바카라 right questions and find out what 카지노 바카라 school-home atmosphere is like. 카지노 바카라 PTO may have a direct impact on you if have your own children in 카지노 바카라 school.

선생님은 주말과 방과후에 무엇을 하시나요?
Teachers on 카지노 바카라 ISR web site report some areas of 카지노 바카라 world that seem to be cultural dead zones, with all traces of ethnicity replaced by malls and McDonalds. 카지노 바카라se locations may offer very little, if anything, in 카지노 바카라 way of things to do. You may be able to enjoy your time in such a location, but o카지노 바카라r teachers would wear out 카지노 바카라ir favorite DVDs in one semester. Interestingly, a very poor country may have so much culture it permeates everything and lures you to explore, explore, explore. Ask questions and read between 카지노 바카라 lines.