<\/span>Survey Question<\/h1><\/span><\/div><\/div><\/div>
What led to breaking your International School teaching contract and did you leave before the end of the school year?<\/span><\/h2>\n<\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div>
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I broke contract because we were not comfortable with the medical care in the country. Also were not happy with the teaching load I was given. Too much. We left at the end of the school year.<\/span><\/h3>\n
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My family was tied up and robbed at home by two men at gunpoint. School did nothing to assure it would not happen again. Finished year, but decided not to return for the fourth year after same thing happened to our best friend’s family.<\/span><\/h3>\n<\/li>\n- \n
\nI left the end of the school year. The hiring official lied about taxes (were, according to her, 18%, but were really 28%, on a salary deep in the poverty level. Also, was having us work illegally in the country because the school couldn’t get us work visas, although she repeatedly pretended they could. (My work visa came through 10 days before the end of the school year. Meanwhile, I was banned from the country for 6 months because the Consulate wouldn’t renew my tourist visa. All the time school records with the Department of Education had to be fabricated, since I was working illegally (and the Consulate in Chicago suspected such). That was just the beginning. But the difference in my value system and hers was too much….I notified the school in December I wouldn’t be returning the second year.<\/span><\/h3>\n<\/li>\n- \n
\nRenegotiated a contract from to year to one year as change in conditions and teaching load made it unviable<\/span><\/h3>\n<\/li>\n- \n
\nThe sanitary conditions were unacceptable with rodents in the house and at the school. I stayed the full year<\/span><\/h3>\n<\/li>\n- \n
\nSchool board broke its own policies without consent of the administration, the local staff was anything but friendly and helpful in my settling in, there was no mention of my having to be involved with an IB program when I was hired, but I was stuck trying it without being given any training, I found out too late that the school had a reputation for having problems.<\/span><\/h3>\n<\/li>\n- \n
\nI signed on for a second 2 year contract but only stayed for 1 extra year. I did not leave before the end of the year. I found the heat was affecting my health and also my husband who is older than me found it too hot.<\/span><\/h3>\n<\/li>\n- \n
\nThe school was sabotaging my husband, changing passwords, erasing data, bypassing licenses. We were convinced they were going to let me finish the year, believing I would be principal next year, then fire him knowing I would follow. We left for America while there were still jobs left to get here.<\/span><\/h3>\n<\/li>\n- \n
\nI was raped by a school official, and lost a baby within a few months of each other. The rapist was a relative of the school’s dean, and when he was convicted, the family lost face (and money) in a big way. When school officials began to turn against us, pulling the plug on a major project without explanation, changing grades, punishing students who had been close to us with poor work assignments, and having public criticism meetings to humiliate teachers who had been our friends, our embassies (I’m a dual citizen) advised us to leave as they could not protect us in the case of further trouble. We left for the summer, and didn’t return, though we left our library (5000 volumes), computers, photocopier and furniture as compensation.<\/span><\/h3>\n<\/li>\n- \n
\nThe situation is scary. we are belittled, bullied and slandered by the admin. I am completing one full year only, not the two.<\/span><\/h3>\n<\/li>\n- \n
\nI did not break contract but my school fired me unjustly. The owner, a megalomaniac, psychotic refused to allow foreign universities to talk to our graduating classes, but did not tell me. when I invited a number to present to our kids, they were turned away at the gate! I asked the headmaster to see the owner and explain that we were a college prep. school and US certified, therefore OBLIGED to accept foreign schools to meet our students. When I returned from summer holidays, after receiving a promotion, I received an e-mail telling me I was dismissed!<\/span><\/h3>\n<\/li>\n- \n
\nMarital Breakdown. I waited until the end of the school year.<\/span><\/h3>\n<\/li>\n- \n
\nI was seriously accused, attacked and aggressed for the Principal with no basis at all. Even students supported me. I finished the school year.<\/span><\/h3>\n<\/li>\n- \n
\nThey stopped paying! I’m the one that wrote the Future Window IS Review.<\/span><\/h3>\n<\/li>\n- \n
\nI left to be with a man (the man was a big mistake, leaving was the right decision) I left at the end of 1 year.<\/span><\/h3>\n<\/li>\n- \n
\nReluctantly, because there were difficulties in the working situation out of my control and relating to another teacher who was insecure and could not cope with any (there were several teaching staff required to work in the room from time to time) teachers working in the classroom. this teacher became so fragile that unprofessional and rude behavior resulted in the presence of children. Senior staff were kept informed by me at all times and made token attempts to resolve the situation but admitted they were powerless as they could not lose that teacher at that crucial teaching time. their solution was to with draw all support staff from the room, however this did not totally resolve the situation as there was still contact due to the learning requirements of students and the other teacher was still uncooperative.<\/span><\/h3>\n<\/li>\n- \n
\nI was dismissed after I signed up for a new agreed upon contract. The school actually reneged.\u00a0<\/span><\/h3>\n<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n<\/div>